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Family Law Attorneys in Farragut, Tennessee

Facing legal challenges can be overwhelming, especially when they involve your family and loved ones. Whether it involves the end of a marriage, disputes concerning child custody, or the equitable division of assets, family law issues are highly personal and can have a profound effect on your life.  

At the Law Office of Joshua S. Reed, we understand the intricate emotions, stress, and concerns that accompany family law matters. With our years of valuable experience, we aim to provide tailored solutions to help you work toward effective and fair resolutions. You can rely on us to stand beside you and provide clear advice and steadfast support. 

Located in Farragut, Tennessee, we serve clients throughout the surrounding counties, including but not limited to Anderson County, Blount County, Union County, Maryville County, Oak Ridge County, Loudon County, and Clinton County. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case, rights, and possible next steps. 

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Types of Family Law Cases We Handle

Family law encompasses a range of interrelated issues. Our firm is equipped to handle numerous types of cases, including adoption, asset division, alimony, child custody, child support, divorce, legal separation, and paternity disputes. 


Adopting a child is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and guidance. Whether it's a domestic, international, or stepparent adoption, our attorneys understand the complexities of the adoption process and are dedicated to providing comprehensive support throughout the adoption process.  

We aim to help you meet the various legal requirements for adoption and our firm can help you make sure your paperwork is completed and filed efficiently and in accordance with Tennessee law. 

Asset Division 

As an equitable distribution state, Tennessee divides marital assets fairly, though not necessarily equally. The court will consider factors such as the length of the marriage, each party's contributions, and each person's earning potential when determining property division. 

Our goal as your representatives is to help you achieve a fair distribution that respects your contributions and secures your financial future. We will help you advocate for all the relevant factors to be considered to help you protect your rights and interests. 


Spousal support, also known as alimony, may be awarded in certain cases to provide financial assistance to one spouse after a divorce. To determine alimony in Tennessee, the courts will consider various factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse's earning capacity, and each party's contributions to the marriage. 

We understand that alimony can be a significant concern in divorce proceedings. Our firm will work with you to help you analyze your financial situation and advocate for an appropriate amount of support based on your unique circumstances. 

Child Custody 

Child custody matters are some of the most heart-wrenching aspects of family law. As parents, our priority is always the well-being of our children. Tennessee courts encourage parents to collaborate on creating a parenting plan that serves the best interests of their child. 

At our firm, we strive to help you arrive at custody decisions that prioritize your child's needs, both now and in the future. Whether through negotiation or court proceedings, we are dedicated to helping you advocate for your parental rights. 

Child Support 

Tennessee's child support laws are designed to ensure children receive adequate financial support. The state uses an Income Shares Model to determine child support, which factors in both parents' incomes and the child's needs. 

Child support obligations can cover a range of expenses beyond basic needs, including healthcare and education costs. Understanding these calculations and the factors involved can help you prepare for discussions with an attorney about your situation. 

Since every family dynamic is different, we work diligently to help you reach fair and adequate child support arrangements that reflect your children's best interests. 


Tennessee recognizes both fault and no-fault grounds for divorce. Fault grounds include specific actions that lead to the end of the marriage, such as adultery, abandonment, or cruel treatment. No-fault grounds, however, include irreconcilable differences or living apart for at least two years.  

To file for divorce in Tennessee, either you or your spouse must have lived in Tennessee for at least six months prior to filing. Uncontested divorces, where both spouses can agree on all major decisions, are typically quicker, whereas contested divorces, where the two spouses are unable to agree on key matters, can be longer and often involve court intervention. 

Our firm understands that divorce is a difficult and emotional process. We are committed to providing you with compassionate support and effective advocacy as we help you work toward resolving your case. 

Legal Separation 

Legal separation is an alternative to divorce. In Tennessee, legal separation allows couples to live separately while still being legally married. This option may be suitable for those who wish to retain certain benefits of marriage, such as insurance or tax breaks, but no longer want to live together. 

Our attorneys can guide you through the legal separation process and help you make sure all the necessary documentation is properly completed and filed according to state law. 

Paternity Disputes 

In Tennessee, paternity must be established before a court can order child support or establish custody. If parents are not married at the time of the child's birth, they will need to establish paternity to determine parental rights and responsibilities. 

Our firm is experienced in handling complex paternity disputes and can assist you in navigating this often difficult and emotional process. 

How Can the Law Office of Joshua S. Reed Help? 

At the Law Office of Joshua S. Reed, we are committed to understanding your goals and helping you understand your legal options. We will work with you every step of the way to give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your family matters. 

Armed with detailed knowledge and extensive experience, we are dedicated to minimizing potential legal difficulties. Whether you are facing prosecution or are on the defensive, we are ready to help you advocate for the best interests of you and your family. 

We treat all our clients with respect, and our consistent track record of integrity inspires confidence and trust. Reach out to our firm today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you with your family law matters. 

Family Law FAQ

We commonly receive questions regarding our services and family law matters. Below, we've provided answers to some of these frequently asked questions: 

Can child custody and support orders be modified? 

Yes. Changes in your or your family's circumstances may necessitate modifications to existing child custody and support orders. In Tennessee, a material change in circumstances, such as a parent's relocation, changes in the child's needs, or shifts in a parent's capability to provide care, must be demonstrated to modify a child custody agreement. 

What should I do if my former spouse is violating court orders? 

If you suspect your former spouse is violating court orders regarding custody, visitation, or support, it's important to document every violation. You will need to provide detailed records when presenting your case in court. 

As experienced family law attorneys, we can help you file a motion for contempt or enforcement to compel compliance with court orders.  

Can grandparents obtain custody rights?  

Yes. Under certain circumstances, grandparents may be granted custody rights in Tennessee. However, the court will consider whether granting grandparent visitation is in the child's best interests and if it would interfere with the parent-child relationship. 

Family Law Attorney in Farragut, Tennessee

Based in Farragut, Tennessee, we strive to help our clients achieve favorable outcomes by prioritizing their well-being every step of the way. Whether you need assistance with divorce, child custody or support arrangements, or asset division, we strive to provide the guidance and counsel you need. Contact the Law Office of Joshua S. Reed today to schedule a consultation.